My Family

My Family

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

My Mission Papers

This is my mission call signed by our beloved
Prophet Russel M Nelson.
I know that this is where I need to be going
and can't wait to serve the people of South Carolina.

Peyton has received a new Mission President since
the Morrisons can't arrive from Ghana because of Covid.

My Mission Call

I waited for 6 weeks for my mission call. There
has been a lot going on in the world due to the 
Corona Virus, COVID-19 pandemic
so patience is something I had to learn.
April 28th I got the txt message letting me know my mission
call had arrived and I could view it.
I took my phone to my boss Travis Shupe for him to print 
it off and keep track of it until 7pm when I would open it 
in front of family and friends.
I am so thankful for be CALLED TO SERVE in the 
South Carolina Columbia Mission.
I depart to the Provo MTC on August 26th 2020.